The Schoonover’s Christmas Card 2013 by DanGarion|Published December 23, 2013Abigail’s first visit with Santa was serious business… as expected.View the entire collection of cards.Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published February 3, 2017 January 2017, in Pictures!For the most part, January 2017 was cold and much of it was spent inside. We did celebrate both my birthday and Kelly’s […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published January 1, 2017 December 2016 in Pictures!Christmas 2016 was celebrated with my parents this year. We had a great time. We also had a wonderful visit from Peggy […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published February 3, 2017 Danny and Eileen’s Wedding In Cancun, 2017We had a great time in Cancun and the weather was almost perfect the entire time we were there. We stayed 6 […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published September 16, 2014 My Neglected Blog!I realize I’ve neglected this blog for way too long. So I’m going to try to do something about that. I’m going […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...