So, on Tuesday Kelly and I got a gym membership to LA Fitness. I’ve had memberships with LA Fitness twice in the past but due to life getting busy I had let my last membership expire (this was a couple months before meeting Kelly). Well we got our membership and we are going to push each other to make sure we go 3-4 times a week. The reason I keep coming back to LA Fitness is that they are one of the only gyms that still cater to racquetball, and those of you that have known me long enough know that it’s one of my favorite sports to play. So last night Kelly and I went to the gym next to the Block of Orange and we worked on teaching her how to play racquetball. She has never played racquetball ever but she has some experience with playing tennis. I was very impressed at how well she did for never playing before, she did a very good job tracking the ball and hitting it to the wall, something that I find people new to the sport have difficulty with. I’ve let people new to the sport play with me on numerous occasions so I knew what to expect. She has always said she isn’t really athletic but she has real good coordination, it’s probably from those years of cheerleading in high school!
Product Manager, Internet Superstar, and all around good guy.
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