March, 2008

2008-03-07 18:17
You would think that me of all people would have seen this movie, considering I’m a huge Cameron Crowe fan, but for some reason I never thought of renting it till recently. Amazing movie, just like most of Crowes work. And what male with a heartbeat can’t love the pool scene.

2008-03-07 18:15
Another black comedy, but this time from the early 90s. This movie was loaded with stars. It’s a who’s who of movie stars, Slater, Walker, Jackson, Hopper, Oldman.

2008-03-07 18:14
Entertaining and wacky is about all I can say about this late 80’s black comedy. Although it did have the delicious Winona Ryder in it, which is a big plus.

2008-03-07 18:13
I really liked this. It was goofy at times, but I really liked the sentimental ending. It’s not the best movie out there but I really enjoyed it. Kelly thought it was just average.
January, 2008

2008-01-20 16:52
Impressive foreign fantasy film. I thought the subtitles might take away from the story but it was great. Can’t believe I waited so long to see it!

2008-01-20 16:51
Pretty good flick, some nicely crafted fighting scenes and had a good look. Enjoyed the story.

2008-01-20 16:50
Great monster flick. Well worth the $10 bucks to see it on the BIG screen. Bring along something to stop the motion sickness though. :)

2008-01-20 16:50
Heartfelt sports movie. Nearly brought me to tears on more then one occasion.

2008-01-11 11:14
Another movie that the end was just a little too fudged. Definitely a movie that was living in a comic book environment but was a fun watch.

2008-01-11 11:13
Really liked this movie. I’m looking forward to reading the book and seeing how it expands off what the movie had.

2008-01-11 11:13
Pretty good. There were some confusing parts in the movie and I feel the end could have been handled a little cleaner.

2008-01-10 09:04
Fun movie. I really liked it. The girl lead knows perfectly how to play an angst teenager and Micheal Cera was his usually funny self. I really enjoyed the music.

2008-01-02 08:42
Pretty good movie. Enjoyed it a lot, but felt that the songs got to be repetitive after awhile. Entertaining and a good story. Really wish Danny Elfman had done the music… :)
In case you don’t visit my actual website. Here are my recent movie reviews.