Over the weekend we went and checked out the movie Looper, starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I wasn’t really sure what to expect since I hadn’t really paid attention to the trailer. I knew it was a sci-fi type movie with time travel that focused on people killing other people sent back in time. Levitt plays a Looper whose future self is sent back to be killed (Willis). The movie starts off pretty quick with the killing and doesn’t really ever stop. Although it’s not a necessarily gory movie there are a lot of people getting killed, mainly to setup the darkness and grittiness of the future. The movie did seem to drag on at times and there were some confusing parts that I had to put some thought into and figure out what was going on, plus there was one major topic in the movie that seemed out of place till it was approached again near the end of the movie. The story was good but it’s hard to cheer on the protagonist. If you are a fan of dark sci-fi with a side of action this movie will do it for you.
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I wanted to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Rated R, 108 minutes) at the theater months ago when it came out, but I was never able to find someone to go with. With it out on DVD I bought it once I was able to find it and watched it that night. It is now officially one of my favorite movies. Jim Carey and the extremely cute (as always) Kate Winslet star as a couple who break up and through the wonderful advances in modern medicine have their minds erased of each other only to fall for each other again. I liked how we traveled through his mind as the techs worked on removing the memories of her. Although I could never go through a memory removal process such as the ones the characters went through I could see the lure to do something such as this, but my personal opinion is your thoughts are what make you the person you are, regardless if they are good or bad.
This is a great movie and a wonderful love story. Plus you get the bonus of seeing both Kate Winslet and Kristen Dunst!
$9 out of $9 and added to my favorite movies of all time list.