Well we didn’t end up getting to Oktoberfest. After eating at Sean’s it was about 9:10 when we got to the place and there was a huge line. We waited for about 30 minutes and maybe was able to move about halfway through the line. We got tired of waiting so we decided to go to another place in Huntington Beach called Martini Blues. They had some comedy going on so we watched that, unfortunately it was the tail end of the show and the waitress was terrible, so we ended up leaving there quickly after the comedy finished up and headed to another place called the Surf City Roadhouse. Sean and I shot pool while the girls talked. We hung out there till about 1:30 and then since most of us will still awake we went over to Harbor House Cafe and had some late night breakfast. After that we called it a night and Kelly and I tried our best to sleep in but I only got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep, yet felt wide awake once I gave up on sleeping. Kelly didn’t feel real well after a night of 7 drinks so we just laid low for a bit and then headed to a couple Halloween places to see about getting stuff for costumes this Halloween. After doing that we came back home and just vegged out the rest of the night. I wasn’t feeling the best due to coming down with a head cold, that I’m still fighting with today (or maybe it’s allergies).
Product Manager, Internet Superstar, and all around good guy.
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