January 2015 in Pictures! by DanGarion|Published February 11, 2015We took a trip to Salem to go house hunting, we found a house we wanted! Plus Kelly and I both celebrated our birthdays. Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published February 18, 2010 Weekly Cool Links #22 : The $499 Millennium Falcon!Hey it’s that time again! The links of the world, link or rama, link a dink a ding dong. Yeah that wasn’t […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published June 30, 2016 April 2016 in PicturesIn April, Abigail started soccer and we took some day trips to the beach and a local tulip farm. In addition, I […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published July 8, 2016 June 2016 in pictures!In June we took our first camping trip as a family and have a blast. In addition, Kelly’s mom (Grandma Ya Ya) […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published September 19, 2014 Work Pictures from June 2014Trips to Harrisburg, PA, Salt Lake City UT, St. Louis, MO, and New Jersey / New York City.Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...