Spring is here! Lots of outside time as the weather slowly started to warm up and the dry out. Almost all these pictures are outside!
The 100 Party At Abby’s School, she counted out 100 legos
I’m not sure what she is collecting here
And over here is the train
Taste testing Kelly’s apple hand pies
The Salem Fire Dept. visited school
Abby was excited to use the fire hose
Future firefighter?
Climbed up there all on her own
Some reading before dance class
Sliding fun
Time to check out the tulips
Hot air ballons!
Is she tiptoeing?
What a beautiful day!
And a beautiful kid!
Family selfie
Serious Abby makes an appearance
Can you spot the Abby?
Do these shoes fit?
This is what a a dilated Abby eye looks like
The next Mike Trout?
So may cherry petals
She saw some trash on our way to the stadium and was doing her civic duty to clean it up
Puddles likes Abby
Duck love
Fun at the ball game
She played in the rain for nearly an hour
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