Acrobatic or Hazardous Activities? by DanGarion|Published April 2, 2008I saw this sign on my way into work today. I think the street fighting dance crew must have been working this area or something…Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published May 14, 2009 The New Star Trek Film Was Awesome!But some people disagree. Here is the ONN with a special report! Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published May 29, 2009 Weekly Cool Links #6 – 05.29.09 edition4 commentsImage via Wikipedia This is the “I no longer have strep throat” edition! Man last week sucked, I came down with strep […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published May 15, 2009 Weekly Cool Links #5 – 05.15.09 editionOh well look at that there, my site has a new design. It’s still a work in progress but it’s a good […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...
Published April 2, 2018 March 2018, in Pictures!Spring has arrived! Or has it? I don’t think the weather has figured it out yet, but we have been lucky to […]Share this:RedditTwitterLike this:Like Loading...