So for the past week or so Kelly and I have been looking at various apartments and deciding where and what we can afford. Two months ago we stoped at a couple apartments and the very first one we looked at we really liked. Well we went back there on Monday and after all the other apartments still feel it's the one for us. The complex is right on the border of Santa Ana and Orange, it's probably less then a mile from my work, and slightly closer to Kelly's work since it's directly off the 22/55 freeways. The grounds are beautiful with lots of trees and a fake river throught the whole place.
They take really good care of the grounds make sure everything looks good. They have this great clubhouse in the center of the complex that reminds me of a log cabin or winter home retreat up in Big Bear.
There are pool tables, a pretty nice fitness center, 2 pools, tennis courts, and a basketball court. We like to play tennis and I've always enjoyed shooting baskets. It's also right next to bike/walking trail that covers about 4-5 miles which is great for getting exercise. Last but not least it's next door to Hart Park, which means I can walk over there and do hill sprints and then walk back home. I have my whole work out planned out already! We'll save a bit of money on gas since I'll be right down the street from work (at least at this time I am). I've also checked how much our insurance premium will be and currently I pay $730 per 6 months. With us both being on the same plan (as multi car but not married yet) our premium will be about $1000 total! She pays about $650 right now. Once we are married we will get discounts because single vs. married have discounts (oh no I'm taking advantage of the same discounts I used to complain about! :) ). Today we go over to the complex and check out the apartments that will be avaliable the second week of May (I'm hoping one if first floor because then I can also do working out in the apartment and not worry about making too much noise for the downstairs people) and hopefully we will be placing our down payment and they will process our credit. That will be once less thing to worry about before the wedding!
General News
I just felt it was the right time. We were at my parent's house waiting for them to get back from our family party and I went and got the ring from my truck and when she sat next to me I asked her if she wanted to open one of her gifts and pointed to the box in my pocket. She had a startled look on her face and I pulled out the box and opened it and asked her to marry me and she cried. I guess that sums it up. :)
Ok so what did we do this weekend?
Friday, we went out to dinner at BJ Pizza out at Balboa Island in Newport (same one we went to for our first dinner date). We had a Caesar salad and a small veggie with extra sauce. The pizza was great as always. I ordered their berry burst cider and Kelly ordered what I usually get, their inhouse Hefewiezen. After dinner we went to the movies and saw Red Eye which was good, but pretty predictable.
Saturday, Kelly had the day off so after cleaning up my place a little I headed to her place. We were going to a San Diego later so we didn't have much to do before then, so we went over to Costco and I bought some juice that I found there that has no added sugar and no high fructose corn syrup (YAY). On the way back to her place we picked up some Taco Bell and waited for everyone to arrive for us to head down to San Diego. We left for SD at around 4 with 2 of her brothers and some friends to see Tom Petty, along with the Black Crowes at Coors Amphitheater way down in Chula Vista (a city in San Diego County). The show was really good, I'm not a Black Crowes fan, but they were entertaining, Tom Petty was great. After that Kelly and I headed to our motel since we were staying the night and going to do stuff in the city on Sunday.
Sunday, we woke up and I walked over to McDonalds and brought us back some breakfast. We thought about doing lots of different things, first we were going to go the Chargers vs Rams game but after thinking it out we figured it was going to be sold out (which I heard it was). We ended up going to the San Diego Zoo. Pictures will follow shortly. After the zoo we walked around the Gaslamp Quater and ate dinner at Fred's Mexican Cantina, since I refuse to go to the one in Huntington Beach ever again. The food was great, I got steak fajitas and Kelly got a California burrito (veggie). After we got tired of walking around we headed back home.
Monday, woke up early and Kelly followed me to the place that's supposed to fix a stud on my rear left wheel that was cross threaded when I got my tires rotated. Unfortunately they didn't have the part and needed to order it, so I have to take it back on Monday. Next we went to Kelly's old school to order her transcript to be sent to Cal State Fullerton. After that I quickly got my hair cut (which feels 100 times better now because I had this huge mop on my head!). We had some lunch and then went and saw The 40 Year Old Virgin which was hilarious. I thought it was going to be atleast ok but it was well above my expectations. After that since I had softball practice we vegged till 6. Practice went good, I played all around he field since even though I'm not really good at any position I have no problem stepping in if I need to (I just don't want to be a liability). I had some good at bats though. After practice I went over and had some dinner at Kelly's and then went home.
That's it.
Well we had a great time camping last night. We got to the campground at around 12:30 after picking up some lunch at Pedro's Tacos in San Clemente. They let us get our spot early. We ate lunch and set up camp. We went down to the beach for a bit were we got burnt (doh). Then we came back up and played cards (speed and gin rummy). After cooking dinner (Boca Burgers with avocado and cheese and Pringles) we headed back to the bench on the bluffs to watch the sun.
After that we came back to the campground and relaxed. Once it started getting dark we lit our fire, cuddled up, and then cooked a couple smoores. We got to bed at around 10:40 and slept pretty good once we were able to get Lilly to lay down. Then we were woken up at around 5:30 by Lilly since that's when she normally gets up. We were able to sort of get back to sleep till about 7 when we coooked up breakfast (fried eggs and cheese on bagels) and packed up. It was a wonderful trip. Looking forward to our bigger trip next weekend.
The rest of our pictures are here. Camping Trip.
I just wanted to quickly update my website. I've been lucky to find an beautiful and wonderful woman who makes me happy. Her name is Kelly and we've been together for just over 4 months now. I love her. Check out our adventures here!