I found a really cool stoker project to make for my smoker and the past month and been working on putting all the pieces together to make my own HeaterMeter Linkmeter. This isn’t my design, I first found it on Reddit when someone mentioned it in the BBQ subreddit. Since […]
General News
420 posts
Just a list and trailers for reference on movies I’m interested in possibly seeing. Haywire Seems like the female version of Borne / Transporter Iron Sky A Nazi base on the dark side of the moon that attacks Earth in the near future?! Not sure if this is a CG […]
Powered by Dan will be joining thousands of other websites around the United States and the world in protest against Senate Bill 968: the Protect IP Act also known as SOPA. If this bill is passed it will jeopardize internet freedom and shift the power of the independent web into the hands […]