While I’ve been away this happened. Abigail Maraid, born Sunday May 26th, 2013, 4 lbs. 6 oz., 17 1/2 inches. Both Abigail and Mrs. DanGarion are home resting. And as you can see she already knows how to pose for pictures…
General News
So it’s taken me a couple of weeks to finally post this on my personal blog. Not because I’m embarrassed or because I didn’t want to share (since those of you that know me on Facebook already know I announced this) but just because I tend to forget about my […]
I realize no one reads my personal blog anymore. I’m going to assume that is because I never write anything in it anymore. Well I would like to announce the biggest news in the life of DanGarion since he got married to the love of his life in 2006. […]
Over the weekend we went and checked out the movie Looper, starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I wasn’t really sure what to expect since I hadn’t really paid attention to the trailer. I knew it was a sci-fi type movie with time travel that focused on people killing other […]
Little did you know that not only am I professional trainer and locally famous food blogger but I’m also a public restroom design critic. Poorly designed restrooms have been one of my pet peeves for a number of years, but only just today have I made it known to the […]