General News
I realize I’ve neglected this blog for way too long. So I’m going to try to do something about that. I’m going to loosely promise that I will update this blog at least monthly. Heck maybe I will even do it more often than that. There is so much going […]
Here we are March 26th and Abigail is already 10 months old? How did this already happen? These past ten months have flown by with our wonderful beautiful girl and my new job! Every day with Abby brings a new day of discovery for both her and us and amazes […]
Abigail’s first visit with Santa was serious business… as expected. View the entire collection of cards.
So I know I rarely update my webpage but I did want to at least do a little 6 month update on Abigail. She’s doing great and growing, learning, and is a character. Being a dad is even more amazing than what I imagined. And even though things can be […]