Preschool has started for Abby and she is having a blast and we had a pretty nice thunderstorm that I was able to capture some pictures of. Last but not least the start of all the HarvestFests in the Willamette Valley! Bauman’s Farm and French Prairie were the first ones […]
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August brought us lots of hot weather up here in Salem and Kelly and Abby started it with a trip down to Southern California. While they were gone I refinished our deck. We then finished it up with a trip to the 2016 Oregon State Fair.
July is a special month for us since it’s the month we got married and this year it was our 10 year anniversary. During this July my parents visited and we took a vacation to the coast and we had a great month of summer up here in Oregon. There […]
In June we took our first camping trip as a family and have a blast. In addition, Kelly’s mom (Grandma Ya Ya) came to visit and we had a lot of fun.
It was a happy birthday for our beautiful Abigail as we celebrated her 3rd by having a party with her friends and going up to Portland for a night so we could go to the Oregon Zoo. Fun was had by all!
In April, Abigail started soccer and we took some day trips to the beach and a local tulip farm. In addition, I went to Pittsburgh to see my best friend Doug get married to Carm! It was a great month.