Summer is halfway over?!?! We had the eclipse in Salem, Oregon and welcomed Kelly’s cousin and her boyfriend to come and watch. I also played my first Disc Golf tournament. I took a trip down to Orange County, CA and played rounds at the famous La Mirada Disc Golf Course, […]
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Summertime! Lots of fun in the sun as we celebrated the 4th of July had visits from my parents and took a camping trip to Crater Lake. Abby also went fishing for the first time and caught a salamander… We all caught salamanders and not a single fish!
Time to catch up with the monthly pictures. June took us to warmer weather and much more outdoor fun. I started to play disc golf again after not playing for years. We also got our first eggs from the chickens. Abigail is also enjoying learning to play disc golf as […]
Every May is special as it’s time for Abby’s Birthday month. We had visits from Grammy YaYa and Uncle Dominic for Abby’s birthday along with the last day of school for 3-year-old preschool and a visit to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. It was a great May full of fun and […]
Most of April was spent close to home as the weather rarely let up, but we still got out and enjoyed the few sunny days we found. Highlights included catching an Oregon Ducks Baseball game and getting our first chickens!
Wow… I’m 4 months behind. A lot of catching up to do! We had snow in March and it was a fairly cold end of winter. Even though we still had lots of park time and outside time whenever it wasn’t raining (I think it did rain every day of […]