In June we took our first camping trip as a family and have a blast. In addition, Kelly’s mom (Grandma Ya Ya) came to visit and we had a lot of fun.
Bacon is like 25% healthy! I can live with that. Source: Is Sushi ‘Healthy’? What About Granola? Where Americans and Nutritionists Disagree – The New York Times
It was a happy birthday for our beautiful Abigail as we celebrated her 3rd by having a party with her friends and going up to Portland for a night so we could go to the Oregon Zoo. Fun was had by all!
In April, Abigail started soccer and we took some day trips to the beach and a local tulip farm. In addition, I went to Pittsburgh to see my best friend Doug get married to Carm! It was a great month.
March was my work convention in Dallas, Texas, along with it slowly starting to clear up for some outdoor adventures for the Salem Cherry Blossom Festival and Easter.