Summer is halfway over?!?! We had the eclipse in Salem, Oregon and welcomed Kelly’s cousin and her boyfriend to come and watch. I also played my first Disc Golf tournament. I took a trip down to Orange County, CA and played rounds at the famous La Mirada Disc Golf Course, […]
Monthly Archives: October 2017
3 posts
Summertime! Lots of fun in the sun as we celebrated the 4th of July had visits from my parents and took a camping trip to Crater Lake. Abby also went fishing for the first time and caught a salamander… We all caught salamanders and not a single fish!
Time to catch up with the monthly pictures. June took us to warmer weather and much more outdoor fun. I started to play disc golf again after not playing for years. We also got our first eggs from the chickens. Abigail is also enjoying learning to play disc golf as […]