These are the cool things I found around the web for January 24th through February 3rd: The Pratfall of Penny Arcade – A Timeline – Bunch of people are Butthurt over a comic that Penny Arcade did back in August. Wow, talk about blowing things out of proportion… YouTube – […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
These are the cool things I found around the web for January 10th through January 22nd: The Food Lab: A Better Way to Caramelize Onions (Plus, French Onion Dip!) – Just in case you are looking to make Onion Dip from scratch for your Super Bowl party! How to Create […]
Just a quick shout out about the BEST comedy on TV. Community returns with an all new episode tonight on NBC. Kelly and I recently rewatched season 1 over the past month and it was so fun. Looking forward to rewatching season 2 after it completes in May. Here are […]
These are the cool things I found around the web for December 23rd through January 8th: The PlayStation 3’s Next Big Innovation Is… 3D Bikinis – This might actually get someone on the fence about 3D to make the jump. But not me! Dr Kenton’s Generic Dr Peppers Page – […]