Monthly Archives: January 2010
Anne Hathaway via Ok, this one is really short, since I’m just tying up loose ends and finishing on the cool links. Chicks Stuff What is a blog post without me commenting on the current crop of hotties in the Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2010? You […]
Image via Wikipedia I know I didn’t mention this yesterday but it’s been pouring here in Southern California all week, some of the worst rains I’ve seen since 2005. Fortunately the house has held up well. Now on to the continuation of the Weekly Cool Links #21. Cool Tech For […]
Wow, here we are already nearly three weeks into the new year and I haven’t graced you all with the inaugural 2010 Weekly Cool Links. I’d like to apologize to you, my fans and ask for your forgiveness! But really, I had more important things to do the last couple […]
140 pictures from December, including us putting out Christmas tree up and the two Christmas parties that we had at our house for our families. Expect a Weekly Links update by the end of the week! Goodbye 2009 it was a great year!