Image by HubSpot via Flickr I’ve been on the Internet for about 14 years now. I remember using the Mosaic browser, and even Lynx. I’ve seen lots of trends come and go. I’ve usually been close to the cutting edge when it comes to the “next big thing” on the […]
Yearly Archives: 2009
68 posts
We will always have the USC Trojan song girls to cheer us up. Terrible loss by the Trojans this weekend, but honestly I didn’t think this team was as good as some of the last couple teams we’ve had. The defense was very suspect this week. Here is to bouncing […]
NBC has requested 6 more episodes of Chuck! So now we will get 19! TV Squad via NBC wants more Chuck and so do I.
Just added some new caching to my server to help reduce PHP and DB queries. Want to test that posting works fine.
Two Weeks in a Row! Two Weeks in a Row! Ok, now that I’m done with that. USC beat Notre Dame last week, it was nail biter of a game al the way through, but the better team ended up with the victory. On Sunday, Kelly and I went up […]