So our big master bathroom model is pretty much completed, except from some touch up that we need to do. Here are some pictures! For those that don’t remember, this is what our master bathroom used to look like. But now after 3 1/2 weeks it looks like this! Check […]
Monthly Archives: June 2009
Oh well, I wasn’t able to keep my weekly cool links weekly. I just didn’t really have enough stuff to share last Friday. First let’s start with personal stuff, I got a fraking ticket last Saturday! Sad part is I didn’t even do what the officer said I did, oh […]
Cover of Forrest Gump [Region 2] So analog TV is dead, long live digital TV! Not much new this week for us. I’ve started going for walks at night, up to 6 miles so far this week, hoping for 10 by the end of the week. I haven’t started the […]
Another week in the can, and I’m actually doing my weekly cool links two Fridays in a ROW!!!! Not much new on the personal front, was busy at work this week doing a new class, was enjoyable the first run but because of the content was a bit monotonous the […]