Woo-hoo! Good job American bank CEOs! Thanks for doing your part in ruining the economy! You did one heckova job! Oh and thanks to you US Government for taking such a proactive stance in the ridiculousness of the housing market! Mission Accomplished! Thumbs up to you all!
Monthly Archives: September 2008
The problem with politics; the root of the problem with all political parties and with political candidates is that instead of choosing the best person normally I’m stuck with having to choose the least bad person for the job. Look I’m a responsible adult that tries to make the right […]
I wrote to my congressmen for the first time ever today. Dear Congressman Campbell, Watching the news lately it has come clear that many recent homeowners and a number of banks and investment firms made bad decisions when it came to mortgages. The US government has no reason to bail […]
Hi? Anyone out there in LJ land? Nearly 6 months to the day and here I am back crossposting my personal website with LJ. Figured I might as well do it again since I do my restaurant reviews on their own site now. There will be a little difference though, […]
I’m going to save this here for prosperity. This is a quote from me on 07/26/07. What sucks here is if I move out of Orange County, I’m still paying 500,000-900,000 for a house. The problem I see in LA/OC area is they build these HUGE houses with barely any […]
I know I’ve been quiet lately, but I have to do a quick post here and cheer on my Dodgers! They are almost there and I’m really hoping they pick it up here and make it into the playoffs. I’m looking forward to it so much that I purchased tickets […]