Apples and Bananas: Another reason to wash your mouth out with soap… Someone is selling soap made with Pabst Blue Ribbon, Guinness, and Sam Adams!
Monthly Archives: May 2008
11 posts
Food Frenzy » Blog Archive » Weekly roundup: Bites around OC – I was included in the weekly food blog roundup for the OC Register’s Gluttonista Blog! Pretty sweet to be recognized. Recent reviews on my site include The Counter in Irvine and Beach Pit BBQ in Tustin.
A couple years back we went to Wizard World in Long Beach and had a blast checking it out and seeing all the people. This year we are going to the granddaddy of them all Comic-Con! Should be a blast!
I got to throw a shoutout to former LA Dodger GM Paul DePodesta for this link to the Hardball Made Easy with Ron Stilanovich that he had on his blog. This is one of the funnest things I’ve seen lately!