This article pretty much explains my thoughts and feelings on the baseball card industry and why I don’t collect much at all anymore. It’s hard to collect when it feels like the only reason you are collecting for is to try and make some money. When I was a kid […]
Monthly Archives: April 2008
So last weekend Kelly and I ordered some new furniture. We are getting a new couch, along with a media center and bookshelves from Crate and Barrel. I really like the color of the things we got!
It’s All Text! :: Firefox Add-ons This is one of the coolest Firefox add-ons I’ve seen for awhile. It will allow you to edit your text box in a text editor (such as Notepad, Wordpad, Word) and then send the text to the website you are adding content for.
Apparently there is a new synonym for the word Gloomy according to my friend Ned as posted here. nedesque – synonym for gloomy.
For all your Pinkberry lovers… Not quite all natural eh? :) The All-Natural Taste That Wasn’t – New York Times The All-Natural Taste That Wasn’t By JULIA MOSKIN Published: April 23, 2008 FOR a seller of “chilly bliss” and “swirly goodness,” Pinkberry has taken a lot of heat. Skip to […]
So our vacation was terrific! The only problem was that it was too short, but I think everyone says that don’t they? Day 1 I guess I can begin from the start and see if I can remember everything. We left for San Francisco at 4:15 AM; traffic was good […]