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Monthly Archives: February 2008
I got a new baseball book a couple days ago, Fantasyland. It’s a great read, I’m already 100 pages into it. Pretty much it’s non fiction book about fantasy baseball. Anyone that enjoys baseball and fantasy baseball should give it a read, it’s a fun book . So after 1 […]
Nice info if you are looking for clearance deals at Target. Tips for Perimeter Perusing at Target | Wise Bread Daily Markdowns – In addition to the odd lot items that may be lurking among the regular merchandise and could be haphazardly stashed at the end caps, Target has a […]
So not many of you know this, when I was a teenager I had a real bad ingrown toenail that ended up having to be resolved by the doctor extracting the entire nail. It was not a pleasant experience. Well after they did that they told me I had a […]
So with the writers strike set to end tomorrow and the writers going back to work on Wednesday, I found on TV Guide a list of what is happening with shows. I’ve only included those that I have interest in. The Big Bang TheoryExpected to shoot 5 to 7 new […]
Breaking News: Microsoft seeking to acquire Yahoo! – Download Squad Wow this could be big. I think it would be great for Microsoft, since MSN and Windowslive really hasn’t picked up the momentum that Microsoft has hoped, and I think a convergence of Yahoo’s services with Microsoft’s services could really […]