On Sunday after eating breakfast and going for our walk Kelly and I went out geocaching up in the Santiago / Silverado Canyon area. We first hit two geocaches that I had logged in my GPS down in Black Star Canyon. After that we felt like getting a drink and headed to the store in Silverado. When we passed by the Ranger Station I read that the gate was open at the end of the road! It had been nearly two years since I'd been able to go up into Silverado Canyon so I asked Kelly if she felt like going up and she said yes.
Here is a quick track of our decent. I didn't realize the GPS wasn't recording our track, so all I got was the decent from where we stopped and turned around.
You must have Google Earth (free) to look at it. Route if it opens in your browse just download it to your desktop and doubleclick on it then and it should open up in Google Earth.
We have a couple pictures that Kelly took as well, but they are at home. I will post those later.
Yearly Archives: 2007
Last night we decided to eat in. I wanted to try and see if brussel sprouts could be good, because the way Kelly's mom cooks them (boils) makes them very bitter. Up until having them at her parents place I had never had them before, because both my parents hate them. I found a recipe online for roastied brussel sprouts. I cut them in half, tossed them with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a slice of garlic on each and then put them in the oven cut side up at 400 for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes I mixed up some parmesan cheese with some minced garlic in a jar (with a little olive oil) and put a little on each and put them back in the oven at 375 for another 8 minutes. They turned out pretty good, although I think they were slightly over cooked. Kelly couldn't believe that brussel sprouts could actually be good, and that was really what I was trying to do. Next time I plan on cooking them at 375 the whole time. They were still a little bitter for me, and I think they didn't get along with my stomach to well.
Kelly's contribution to the meal was sautéing up some garlic and onions and cooking up sliced pieces of chicken breast with that. After it was good and cooked she put in some marinara sauce from Whole Foods Market and toasted up some hoagie rolls we had. We basically had chicken parmesan sandwiches without the chicken being fried, and they were delicious. I'd have a picture but I forgot to take one.
Other then cooking dinner, we stayed in most the night, except for grocery shopping before dinner. Kelly watched the America's Next Top Model marathon that was on VH1 and I vegged around on the computer and installed Office 2007. Then we watched Jeopardy and since we couldn't find anything on TV we ended up watching Nova last night on KCET-HD, it was a really good episode called "The Mummy That Would Be King".
So here we are, 2007... I've decided that it's time to once again start to try and get my fat ass in shape. I'm tired of being on the edge of XXL shirts not fitting, depending on the place I buy them from. My goal for this year is to get down to a 38-40 waist and to be able to wear XL shirts (even if just some of them). My plans on getting to this is eating healthier then I have been. Although I have to say I don't eat all that bad of stuff in the first place. I'm also sticking with my water and unsweetened Ice Tea for most of my drinking, which means only having a soda 1-2 times a week (basically what I did all last year). On top of this I'm going to do something active at least 5 times a week, talking a brisk walk, riding my bike, shooting baskets, hiking, playing softball, anything that gets my heart rate going. Kelly will be helping me along the way with this as I think she wants to get in better shape as well. Now that that the holidays are over and she's not going to be slammed at work, this should be easily achievable.
Today I started out with a brisk 20 minute walk around Chapman University while I was on my lunch for a total of .8 miles. It's not much but it's a start. As long as I can eat lunch while I'm working and it doesn't get to warm I can do a walk for lunch. If it's over 70° F then I'll probably sweat too much then I'd like to while I'm at work.
I've also made it a promise to myself to post more to this my personal website as well as the Kelly and Daniel website. My last plan for the year is to copy what everyone else is doing and try my best to take 2 pictures everyday, one of myself and another of something else from the day. I'm going to tell Kelly about this and I think that will help me in keeping up with my plans.
So good luck to you all in 2007. Hope it's as great as I plan mine to be!