So, this college football season has been CRAZY! So many top ten undefeated teams have lost, and this weekend wasn’t any different. USC remains in the hunt for both the BCS and Pac Ten titles with the losses of both LSU and Cal! USC was able to hang on and […]
Monthly Archives: October 2007
I honestly do not understand how someone wins a Nobel Peace Prize by providing misinformation about global warming. Al Gore has NO place winning the NPP, period. Great now he can waste more CO2 and then pay some company to offset it. Such BS.
Well we didn’t end up getting to Oktoberfest. After eating at Sean’s it was about 9:10 when we got to the place and there was a huge line. We waited for about 30 minutes and maybe was able to move about halfway through the line. We got tired of waiting […]
So last night after Kelly got home from work we headed to the gym and played more racquetball. We played just over an hour, she’s still learning but she’s improving. When we were first got there my friend Paul and I talked for a bit and set up to play […]
Bud Light Presents, “Real Men of Genius” (Reaaaaal Men Of Genius) Today we salute you, Mr. Delusional Notre Dame Fan. (Mr. Delusional Notre Dame Faaaaaan!) Season after season, year after year, you try to justify your absurdly high preseason ranking. (Clutching at straws!) You scramble to make futile attempts at […]